Accidents and Accents
Take this from me: we can't help falling sick or getting injuries; but having a cute, kind doctor sure does help.
What A Man!
"Have you ever missed someone that was just in front of you? Because I miss you soo much, even when you are sitting right in front of me".
A Cute Face or Brains?
He said, "...You are smart. Intuitive. God loving. Men often feel intimidated. Sometimes what we need is timid. Submissive. And not very talkative..."
Hit By a Car
Often times when the devil comes hard at you, it's because you are a threat to his kingdom. The devil tried to end my life, but he failed, again.
When Life Knocks You Down
Food ran out and for nearly two weeks, I survived on ground nuts soup and a cup of black tea daily.
Better Safe Than Sorry
When Alvin left yesterday, I was happy to be left alone. However, here I was the following day, feeling abandoned.
My Wake-Up Call
“Until when would I be a side chic?” I pondered rhetorically. That morning, I locked up my heart once more and tossed the key in Lake Victoria.
Day One -Part Two
I landed a couple of times on a girl's outfits. I had also seen a pair of feminine sandals by the bathroom door. This discovery rubbed me wrong. There was a sharp pang in my heart.
Day One- Part One
Alvin leaned in and caressed my arm gently, “I need to leave for work but feel free, move around, mingle, make friends… feel at home. In case of anything, call me”.