Unbelievable! -Part Three
He had come with a laptop bag and a jacket. He checked all of them and said, "Ooooops! I think I forgot my wallet".
Can I Cook For You?
My friends often told me that I loved Byron, but just did not know it yet... How could I love someone and not even know it? How was that even possible?
Engraved On My Mind-Part 2
I liked him, he was lovable. I mean, why wouldn't I? For starters, he thought I was five years younger than my actual age. Of course I had to like him.
A Fool For Love-Part Three
I thought he and Emily had something going on. I swear that girl would have gone to war for him.
A Fool For Love_Part Two.
I must have been close to tears but I pretended to be so busy on my phone. I was just scrolling through apps.
A Fool For Love -Part One
If he says I didn't love him, then he's a fool. It was written allover me.