Unbelievable! -Part Two
He said a lot but what hit me most was finding out that this gentleman had brought with him a ring to propose to me.
Unbelievable!-Part One
I decided we call it quits. This way, I could go find me a man that would speak in tongues with me.
What Went Down-Part Two
I was on the verge of tears that evening as my taxi drove to Kampala. Every mile drew me farther from my phone.
What Went Down -Part One
After that day, I declared I would never send screenshots ever again.
Reduced To A Side Chic-Part 2
You know when life screws you over, the least you can do is joke and laugh about it.
Engraved On My Mind-Part 2
I liked him, he was lovable. I mean, why wouldn't I? For starters, he thought I was five years younger than my actual age. Of course I had to like him.
Engraved On My Mind-Part 1
Hardly had I bent over my phone when I suddenly looked up. Was that our song I was hearing from the speakers? I'd be damned; it was!
Irreplaceable Friends
I see the stamp of their love in everything they carried for me. Each of those things seems to be screaming at me that I'm loved. And I believe it.